27/06/2024 08:39 PM

By Noor Bakhtiar Ahmad

KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 (Bernama) --  A growing trend of international support for Palestine reflects a global acknowledgement and advocacy for Palestinian rights, according to the Dean of the Arab Ambassadors Council in Kuala Lumpur (AACKL), Dr Adel Mohamed Ali Ba Hamid.

“There is a growing trend of international support for Palestine, with more than 149 countries now recognising Palestine as an independent state,” said Adel Mohamed, who is also the Ambassador of Yemen to Malaysia.

“This support is evident not only at the public level but also at governmental and official levels, with many nations advocating for Palestine on international platforms such as the United Nations and the Human Rights Council.

Adel Mohamed was met by Bernama after attending the AACKL monthly meeting, here, on Thursday.

The monthly meeting of the AACKL brought together representatives from 18 Arab countries stationed in Malaysia, including the Palestinian ambassador to Malaysia, Walid Abu Ali.

There were also representatives from South Africa, Spain, and Norway who acknowledged Palestine in light of the ongoing war and genocide.

Also present was Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Mohamad Alamin.

“AACKL, which has been active for many years, continues to play a crucial role in fostering diplomatic relations and advocating for the Palestinian cause.

“As the council looks ahead, it remains committed to strengthening ties with Malaysia and other nations, while continuing to advocate for the rights and recognition of Palestine on the international stage.”

Commenting further, Adel Mohamed noted that in recognition of this support from South Africa, Spain, and Norway, the council extended invitations to their ambassadors.

“Notable countries that recently recognised the state of Palestine, such as Norway, Ireland, South Africa, Sweden, and Spain, were also acknowledged for their solidarity.

“Today's luncheon, held in conjunction with the meeting, served as an opportunity to honour and thank these nations. Representatives from Sweden, Ireland, and Colombia were invited but were unable to attend due to being out of the station,” he said.

Regarding the monthly meeting, Dr Adel Mohamed said the primary agenda focused on strengthening bilateral relations between Arab countries and Malaysia across various sectors, including the economy, tourism, education, and culture.

“There was also a significant and recurring topic of discussion on the Palestinian cause, with updates provided by the Palestinian ambassador on the current situation in Palestine.

“During the meeting, attendees expressed their high appreciation and gratitude towards Malaysia for its steadfast support of the Palestinian cause,” he said.

Adel Mohamed reiterated that as the council looks ahead, it remains committed to strengthening ties with Malaysia and other nations while continuing to advocate for the rights and recognition of Palestine on the international stage.


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